TONIGHT: School District Budget Workshop @ 6:30pm @ Town Hall

All, sharing the below-linked meeting info. to broaden awareness and encourage engagement and participation, which is essential. Difficult choices are being discussed and potentially made in order to close the gap between the BOE sustained services budget request and what was ultimately allocated by the Mayor and TC.

IMPORTANT: 2024-2025 BOE Budget Meetings w/Town Council upcoming April 23rd and April 29th

Dear All,

As Superintendent Bellizzi communicated to Wallingford Public School families on April 2nd, there currently exists a gap of ~$3.9M+ between the 2024-2025 BOE budget request and the Mayor's recommendation.  ~$3.1M+ of that difference relates to sustained services.  Staff wages and benefits make up ~80% of the budget.  None of the ~$2.7M in BOE capital improvement item requests were recommended for funding.  While potential impacts have yet not been communicated, if the BOE request is not restored in whole or in part through Town Council action during budgetary process steps upcoming this week, the School District will need to take actions in order to reconcile.

Given the potential significance of and interest in this situation, we wanted to highlight ways that families and residents can engage in the process to communicate with the Town Council.

(1) Email Town Council Members in advance of the April 23rd Town Council Meeting and in advance of the April 29th Budget Public Hearing.  Town Council Member email addresses can be found at

(2) Attend and speak during the Public Question and Answer period of the April 23rd Town Council Meeting.  The agenda can be found at

(3) Attend and speak during the Budget Public Hearing on April 29th.  The legal notice to the public of the hearing can be found at


Bryan Rivard & Valerie Glynn

System-Wide Parent Teacher Advisory Council Chairperson & Vice Chairperson

Latest Updates: Herren Talks, Parent Choice Awards, Next Meeting

As winter break approaches, the System-Wide Parent Teacher Advisory Council (PTAC) of Wallingford schools wishes you and yours all the best this holiday season!  It's been a strong start to the school-year in PTAC areas of focus:

Every Middle and High School student (3000+) along with parents and community were invited to attend moving and impactful presentations by Chris Herren on his struggle with addiction.  The photo below is from the student presentation.
Photo credit courtesy "Herren Talks

More than 170 school district teachers and staff representing every school were recognized for their outstanding support of students and families last year during the annual Parent Choice Awards.  The word-cloud below highlights some of what families had to say about their nominee(s).

Finally, all are welcome at our final meeting of 2023 on Tuesday, December 19th to be held virtually via Google Meet at 6pm.  Please contact central office for the meeting link.  As always, thanks for your participation and support.

Bryan Rivard
PTAC Chairperson

Valerie Glynn
PTAC Vice Chairperson